Christmas at the Market Isaiah 9:6 (ESV) 6 For to us a child is born,to us a Son is given;and the government shall be upon His shoulder,and His name shall be calledWonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. O Come All Ye Faithful O come, all ye faithful,joyful and triumphant!O come ye, O come […]
Christmas Eve on the Bayou
Christmas Eve on the Bayou God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen God rest ye merry gentlemenLet nothing you dismayFor Jesus Christ our saviorWas born on Christmas DayTo save us all from satan’s powerWhen we were gone astrayO tidings of comfort and joyComfort and joyO tidings of comfort and joy From God our heavenly fatherA blessed angel […]
New Wednesday Night Bible Study
We are excited to announce the launch of a new Adult Bible Study here at FBC Westwego. The new class will be held on Wednesday nights from 6:30PM to 7:30PM and will be led by Pastor Jay. The class will cover a range of topics including walk-throughs of books of the Bible, character studies, and […]
Mission Trip: Peru
We are in the beginning stages of setting up and planning for our first family style mission trip. The plan is to visit Peru in July 2019. More information will be forthcoming as it becomes available. Currently, there is a signup sheet in the back of the auditorium for those who are interested im participating. […]
Ladies Bible Study
The Ladies of FBC Westwego will be meeting on the first Thursday of each month this year for a time of fellowship, prayer, and learning. They are using the book, The Life Giving Home Experience, as a launching pad for discussions. The ladies meet at 6pm and share a potluck style meal (with a different […]
New Sunday School Classes Launching
Mark Your Calendars… Please plan on joining us beginning April 9th, 2017 as we launch our two new Sunday School classes. These new classes will run for 13 weeks, and will conclude on July 2nd, 2017. We will be offering one topical study and one biblical study. We highly encourage all of our people to […]
Timothy: Godly Instruction
Almost two thousand years ago, the Apostle Paul wrote a series of letters to a young pastor named Timothy, instructing him on some of the finer points of how the church should respond to false teachings as well as how its leaders should care for the body. Today, this message is as timely as ever.
Celebrating Advent
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness – on them light has shined. – Isaiah 9:2
Fifth Sunday Fun Day
Our next “Fifth Sunday Fun Day” for the WegoKids ministry will be Sunday April 30th. This will be a special two-hour WegoKids day beginning at 9:30AM in the WegoKids room and running throughout the duration of the Sunday School hour and the Sunday worship service. The event will feature themed crafts and activities. More information […]
Not a Fan – Teen Study
At FBC Westwego, we are blessed to have one terrific student ministry, full of teens who are passionate about learning about the word of God and what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Beginning this Wednesday, Septemer 28th, and running for four consecutive weeks, we will be utilizing a study called […]