Almost two thousand years ago, the Apostle Paul wrote a series of letters to a young pastor named Timothy, instructing him on some of the finer points of how the church should respond to false teachings as well as how its leaders should care for the body. Today, this message is as timely as ever.
On Sunday, February 5, Pastor Jay began his sermon series on the two letters to Timothy. Please plan on joining us as we unpack together these godly instructions for the church.
At FBC Westwego, we firmly believe that it is critical to not only study Scripture, but to study what it says in its proper context, that is, walking through books of the Bible verse by verse. This approach helps us to see what the original authors actually intended to communicate, and reduces the risk of accidentally misreading or misapplying Scripture. Because even though the truths conveyed by the Bible may APPLY differently from situation to situation and from life to life, it is vital to understand that the true meaning of any one verse was fixed at the time it was written and cannot be changed.
We meet for Sunday School at 9:30AM and the worship service begins at 10:30AM.